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Finance Reporting Automation Strategies to Slash Completion Time In Half

Employing finance reporting automation strategies is more than just a value move. In today’s business climate, it’s a necessity, one that can give your organization a competitive edge. 

So, we pooled our best resources and came up with the best five finance reporting automation strategies to help CFOs slash their financial reporting time in half.

Microsoft Great Plains Discontinued

A successor to Microsoft Dynamics GP – Is there one?

Who uses Microsoft Dynamics GP, and for what?

Since 1993, small and medium-sized companies (SMBs) have used the Microsoft Dynamics GP (short for Great Plains) ERP solution in various industries as an accounting software package. The latter includes professional services, manufacturing, distribution, software and tech, eCommerce, retail commerce, construction, financial services, education, government – you name it. 

Accounts Payable vs Accounts Receivable: How Are They Different?

Accounts Payable vs Accounts Receivable: How Are They Different?

It’s Friday afternoon, and you’re ready to leave the office. But a pending invoice issue can’t wait until next week. You call the supplier and spend the next 30 minutes reasoning with an automated phone system to reach the right department. After a long wait, you finally get through to a real person.

The problem? 

You’ve confused the accounts payable with the accounts receivable department—again.

Accountants Running

Why Are CPAs Running the BolderBoulder?

In the fast-paced finance and accounting world, CPAs are more than just number crunchers; they are essential contributors to business machinery, ensuring financial health and compliance. However, the relentless demands of the profession often leave little room for personal growth, health, and leisure – crucial elements for a balanced and fulfilling life. Enter the BolderBoulder – a 10k race that has become a symbol of endurance, community, and personal achievement. This year, with the support of Xledger, CPAs are hitting the ground running, quite literally, to make a statement about reclaiming their time, health, and joy.

online erp software

If This Happens It’s Time To Change Your Online ERP System

Changing your online ERP software at the right time is more critical than most accounting leaders realize. Act prematurely, and you risk wasting valuable time and company resources; delay it for too long, and your organization could suffer.

So when should you change your online ERP system? These nine signs can help you decide.