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Xledger Insight

Why financial insight requires awareness of both tools and users

When we talk about business intelligence, we think of analytic tools, techniques for knowledge workers. But those knowledge workers have become a valuable commodity, and few organizations can afford them (or enough of them).

Xledger and HHRD Time Savings

How did HHRD save 80 hours in accounting labor per month?

HHRD claims to have saved 80 hours of financial time every month. Is this a fluke—or the leading edge of something else? A survey of three companies.

Is your charity’s finance software still fit for purpose?

Is your nonprofit’s finance software still fit for its purpose?

If you’re questioning whether your charity’s finance software is still fit for purpose, it’s a good idea to start in two places. Firstly, establish when it was that you bought your current finance system. Secondly, consider how much your company and the world around you has changed since.

Xledger Software

How two metrics can help CFOs solve their insight challenges

CFOs want insight–but only 20% of data spending produces business value. How the time to a monthly close and the audit cycle can accelerate CFO D&A.

Xledger Eco-Friendly

Why Public Cloud Doesn’t Mean Eco-Friendly, and How You Can Find a Sustainable Finance Solution

Is it greenwashed or sustainable?

When Tesla founder Elon Musk decried Bitcoin for its environmental impacts, financial leaders took notice. One transaction of the cryptocurrency consumes more power than the average household does in a month. Total Bitcoin mining consumes more energy per year than the entire nation of Sweden.