From the latest announcement of the Chancellor, a UK wide-focus on the future is on the horizon. Throughout 2023, the country is encouraged to bloom by utilising innovation. The recent budget is dedicated to drive ‘long-tem, healthy’ economic growth across core industries lead by smart investment which is something accountants are no strangers to.
Growth is on every business’s radar, and as an accountant, being able to support your client’s success and expansion should be your priority. After all, it should be your success too as opposed to your Achilles heel.
As with many non-profit organisations, UK housing associations must manage their finance team’s time and budget effectively to provide high-quality services to their tenants. Advances in technology over the past ten to fifteen years means that cloud software – where data is held in a secure cloud-based data centre – is now easily accessible and can be integrated to seamlessly share data with housing management systems.
How important is purpose for organisations? Are tech companies leading the way? In this blog, we recall the key takeouts from Xledger’s panel at Bristol Tech Festival 2022. With guest speakers from the worlds of finance, charity and consultancy, each give their practical and experience based advice on how to authentic lead with purpose.
Can automation exist without the accountant? With digital transformation in care homes on the rise, how valuable are our people? Takeouts from this year’s Care Show 2022.